Passing Volleyball Drills for Beginners to Advance Volleyball Players

Passing volleyball drills are essential for any player who wants to excel in volleyball.

Here are a few reasons why a volleyball player needs to practice passing.

Accuracy: Passing is all about accuracy. A good pass is one that is delivered to the setter with a high level of accuracy and control. Practicing passing helps players develop the necessary skills and techniques to deliver accurate passes consistently.

Ball control: Passing is also about ball control. A player who can control the ball well is more likely to deliver accurate passes. Practicing passing helps players develop their ball control skills, which can help them make better plays during games.

Communication: Passing is a key component of communication on the court. Players who can pass the ball effectively can communicate with their teammates and set up plays more easily. Practicing passing helps players develop their communication skills and learn how to work effectively with their teammates.

Confidence: Practicing passing can also help players build confidence in their skills. When a player knows that they can deliver accurate passes consistently, they are more likely to feel confident and perform well during games.

30 Passing Volleyball Drills

Wall passing drill: Pass a ball against a wall, focusing on proper form and technique.

Three-player passing drill: Three players pass a ball back and forth, focusing on accuracy and communication.

Two-player pepper drill: Two players pass the ball back and forth continuously, focusing on ball control.

Pass-set-hit drill: Players take turns passing, setting, and hitting the ball to practice all three skills.

Triangle passing drill: Three players form a triangle and pass the ball around, focusing on quick and accurate passes.

Cross-court passing drill: Pass the ball diagonally across the court to practice passing to different areas.

Over-the-net passing drill: Pass the ball over the net to a partner on the other side, practicing accurate passes at different heights.

Follow-the-leader drill: Players follow the lead passer around the court, focusing on footwork and agility.

Dig and pass drill: Practice digging a ball and immediately passing it to a target.

Serve and pass drill - Practice receiving serves and immediately passing the ball to a target.

Serve receive drill - Practice receiving different types of serves, focusing on accuracy and ball control.

Basket drill - Players pass the ball into a basket, practicing accuracy and control.

Three-touch passing drill - Players pass the ball three times, trying to keep it in the air as long as possible.

Around-the-world passing drill - Pass the ball around the court to different players in a specific order, focusing on accuracy and quick passes.

Four-square passing drill - Four players form a square and pass the ball around, focusing on quick and accurate passes.

Dig and roll drill - Practice digging a ball and rolling it to a target.

Quick-set passing drill - Pass the ball quickly to a teammate for a quick set and hit.

Three-player weave passing drill - Three players weave around each other while keeping the ball in the air passing back and forth.

Triangle pepper drill - Three players pass the ball back and forth in a continuous rally, focusing on ball control and quick passes.

Follow-the-ball drill - Players follow the ball around the court, practicing footwork and agility.
Continuous passing drill - Pass the ball back and forth continuously without letting it touch the ground.

Serve receive and pass drill - Practice receiving serves and immediately passing the ball to a target.

Standing-to-rolling drill - Practice passing the ball while standing and then rolling it to a target.

Diagonal passing drill - Pass the ball diagonally across the court to practice passing to different areas.

Figure-eight passing drill - Two players pass the ball in a figure-eight pattern, focusing on accuracy and quick passes.

Overhead passing drill - Practice passing the ball overhead, focusing on proper technique.

Jump-set passing drill - Practice passing the ball while jumping to set up a teammate for a hit.

Partner passing drill - Pass the ball back and forth with a partner, focusing on quick and accurate passes.

Multi-directional passing drill - Pass the ball in different directions to practice passing to different areas.

Sudden change drill - Pass the ball back and forth with a partner, suddenly changing the direction of the pass to keep the other player on their toes.

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10 Partner Passing Volleyball Drills 

One-touch pass - Two players stand across from each other and pass the ball back and forth using only one touch.

Pepper drill - Two players pass the ball back and forth in a continuous rally, focusing on ball control and quick passes.

Moving pass - Two players move around the court while passing the ball back and forth, practicing footwork and agility.

Down-ball pass - One player hits a down-ball to the other player, who then passes it back over the net.

Overhead pass - Two players practice passing the ball overhead, focusing on proper technique.

Three-touch pass - Two players pass the ball back and forth using three touches (bump, set, pass).

Blindfolded pass - One player wears a blindfold while the other player passes the ball to them, practicing trust and communication.

Quick-set pass - One player sets the ball to the other player, who immediately passes it back for a quick set and hit.

Moving target pass - One player moves around the court while the other player passes the ball to them, practicing accuracy and control.

Multi-directional pass - Two players pass the ball in different directions, practicing passing to different areas of the court.


5 Passing Volleyball Drills that Can Be Done Alone

Wall passing drill - Stand a few feet away from a wall and pass the ball against it, focusing on proper form and technique.

Self-toss and pass drill - Toss the ball in the air and pass it to yourself, practicing ball control and accuracy.

Blindfolded passing drill - Wear a blindfold and practice passing the ball to a specific spot on the wall, focusing on feel and touch.

Bounce pass drill - Bounce the ball off the ground and pass it back to yourself, practicing ball control and quick reactions.

Shadow passing drill - Stand in front of a mirror and practice passing the ball to your reflection, focusing on form and technique.

If you found these volleyball drills useful and would like to keep it close to you at any time, just save this pin to your Pinterest Volleyball Training Board.


Overall, passing volleyball drills should be a fundamental part of a volleyball players training program. Passing is a critical skill in volleyball, and it requires regular practice to develop and maintain.

By practicing passing, players can improve their accuracy, ball control, communication, and confidence, which can all contribute to better performance on the court.