New Rules in Volleyball
Highschool and Collegiate
New rules in volleyball and the major rule changes for the 2021 highschool and collegiate volleyball season.
New Rules for Highschool Volleyball
The following are new rules in volleyball and some major changes for the 2020-2021 highschool volleyball season.
- 2-1-1
Clarifies the court and the adjacent playable area must be flat, smooth and free of obstructions other than required equipment and padding.
- 3-2-1
The game ball may be either solid white or a maximum combination of three colors (with each panel being a solid color) and of which at last one-third of the panels shall be solid white.
- 4-1-5
Unadorned bobby pins, no longer than 2 inches, may be worn to control player's hair.
- 5-3-4d
Prior to the deciding set, captains will be called for the coin toss by the first referee and then teams shall be released to their team benches.
- 5-4-3b New 10
The second referee has the responsibility to manage illegal libero replacements.
- 9-4-5
A legal contact is a touch of the ball by any part of the player's body.
- 10-2-3, 10-2-7c
If more than one substitution is to occur, the substitutions shall be made in succession. One pair of players after another and only one substitute shall be in the substitution zone at a time.
- 12-2-5
Clarifies when an assistant coach may stand and actions the coach may perform.
- 12-2-6, 9-1-1, 10-2-7a(1)
During play, allows the head coach to stand in the replacement zone, no closer to the sideline than 6 feet, to coach his/her players.

New Rules in Volleyball (Collegiate/NCAA)
The following are new rules in volleyball and some major changes and points of emphasis for the NCAA volleyball 2021 women's rules and interpretations.
- 1.3.4
Warm-up area for substitute changed.
Coaches location for requests changed.
Timeout length modified by agreement.
- and
Procedures for protest of scoresheet modified.
- Libero Tracking
Duties of libero tracker expanded and form changed.
Major changes and points of emphasis...
- In Junior College, only one coach can stand.
- In NCAA, all coaches can stand.
- No longer signal 15 seconds remaining in warm ups. Just whistle the 15 seconds.
- Can use an autohorn at the end of timeouts.
- Player can break the plane of the net in order to bring the ball back as long as the ball hasn't completely crossed the net.
- Disqualification is carried from set to set.
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Volleyball Rules
New Rules in Volleyball